Devlog :: And Wizardry

Sat, 02 Jul 2011

Windows 7 Essential Programs (says me), 2011 Edition

This is an update of my post from February 2010. It's a list I made of programs I need to install on a new OS before I consider it ready to use. Most of these are essential to me either for work or play. Next week I'm upgrading my main workstation to an unlocked i5, a SSD, and a motherboard which includes USB3 and room for a lot more RAM. The programs are in the order I thought of them which is often also the order of importance. MS Security Essentials (was AGV Free in 2009) Chrome and FireFox (was just FF last time) Git command line version (was Subversion but I won't install that until I need it) Putty PuttyCM (and unclick "Hide when minimized") cygwin Perl (Strawberry these days) vmware player Thunderbird and Clowdmark anti-spam vim and plugins Radiator Audacity Sync Toy eWallet winSCP Retrospect Beyond Compare (last time I installed X Mouse but I just use the registry hack now) easyBCD New to the list: Dropbox Maya Open Office winDirStat (new to the list but old to the toolbox. Just put it on there, you'll need it some day) Synergy 32bit (64bit version doesn't work for me) Input Director (If both systems are PC this is great, and you can cut and paste files, but I need Synergy for cross platform) EAC (hey look, there's a new version after all these years. Hope it's good...) FLAC I'll probably wait for the 1.7 Ti SDK to install Titanium Developer and the Android SDK tools. I'll stay on the iMac for now. Set Win7 for X mouse and "better" power settings i.e. don't shut down after some idle time... That' about it. [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Thu, 04 Feb 2010

Windows 7 Essential Programs (says me)

This is a list I made of programs I need to install on a new OS before I consider it ready to use. Most of these are essential to me either for work or play. I made this list when I installed Win7 RC and now I'll need to do this again for the release version. They are in the order I thought of them which is often also the order of importance. MS Security Essentials (was AGV Free) FireFox Subversion Tortoise SVN Putty PuttyCM (and unclick "Hide when minimized") cygwin Perl (Strawberry these days) Squeezecenter vmware player Thunderbird and Clowdmark anti-virus vim (my version with plugins I will check out from svn) Radiator Audacity Sync Toy eWallet winSCP Retrospect Beyond Compare X Mouse easyBCD Set Win7 for X mouse and "better" power settings i.e. don't shut down after some idle time... That' about it. [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Tue, 22 Sep 2009

I'm looking at PubSubHubbub today.

I've seen some buzz about the "real-time web" lately and then I saw this post [] [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Sun, 20 Sep 2009

I just updated this site to Blosxom 2.1.2

This isn't a big deal but the feed support is cleaner and I have a project in mind. [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Tue, 21 Oct 2008

Installing the Zorba XQuery Processor

I stayed up late last night before last doing a [Zorba] 0.9.21 build and install. I was up late again last night putting on the 0.9.4 version. Zorba is an open source XQuery processor written in C++. There's a short list of dependencies and the install process is is the familiar sequences starting with ./configure or cmake or read the docs a little more... and then repeat. The only snag I tripped over was when I grabbed the latest 3.0 Xerces-C++ and Zorba wanted 2.x (grater then 2.7.0). I'm also still looking for the Python bindings, not to mention any future Perl ones. [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Tue, 17 Apr 2007

VIM Block Indents - just so I remember...

*In gvim, to bring a block to standard indent level:* Select one of the block boundaries (like { or } For one) and input *=%* One potential problem with this is that this will remove any "non-standard" indenting you might have. On the plus side, it will remove non-standard indenting. *To indent a block one more level:* Select a block boundary and enter *>%* This moves everything over one level, including the non-standard bits. To move every thing in the block except the boundaries, use *>i{* [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Fri, 02 Mar 2007

more Cygwin/X trivia...

To automate the "xhost +SERVER_IP" step edit /etc/X0.hosts and include the IP addresses of the servers that can use the X server. For example: $ echo "" >>/etc/X0.hosts For startup, I made a copy of bash.bat called x.bat and changed the last line to: bash -c startx These two changes reduced starting the X server to an icon click. It does spawn two windows though that need to stay running. This is an improvement though. [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Thu, 21 Dec 2006

Just for my information... Running Cygwin/X

To start a X server on cygwin and, have it work for me, I did: > startx & Welcome to the XWin X Server Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project Release: [...lots more...] > xhost + xhost: unable to open display "" > xhost + xhost: unable to open display "" > export DISPLAY= > xhost +SERVER-IP-ADDRESS SERVER-IP-ADDRESS being added to access control list Then ssh user@SERVER-IP-ADDRESS export DISPLAY=CIGWIN-SYSTEM_IP rock and roll... Probably the setting of the display to the local host IP on Cygwin could/should be set in a config file somewhere... [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Mon, 06 Feb 2006

I'm trying out Technorati today...

This is just a test. ...of my [Technorati Profile] You may return to your normal activities. [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Sat, 04 Feb 2006

I added a logo to my buoy data images

While watching the POE demo app tail my web log files I noticed a referrer to a [certain] surfer's web site popped up a lot. What was happening is that there is an <img> tag posted on the page pointing to one of my buoy data gifs.

Buoy 46006 This image changes every hour so it makes a kind of sense to do it this way. The latest version will always display on his page. As an added bonus for the linker, it's my server that provides the resource. Now Ethan is a really nice guy and I think it's great that the images are getting used by more local surfers. I did decide that I wanted to tag the images in some way though. I added this text to all my buoy data images.:

immage It's pretty jaggy edged but that's because it has to be a GIF image. Anti aliasing would look strange too (especially on a non-white background like Ethan's site ;-). I want to redo the images again to make this a little less prominent. I'm thinking of adding some extra space at the bottom for a line of text including a tag of some sort. Coming soon... [/items/Devlog] permanent link

Sat, 14 Jan 2006

My new tableless, XHTML/CSS Devlog upgrade

I spent a lot of time this last week redesigning this devlog. [/items/Devlog] permanent link